Kamis, 13 September 2007

Provisi Team

September 11, 2007

I have not been interviewed by Provisi Team –those school assessor – yet when I write this. Therefore, this writing will become fifty percent subjective. It is only a personal opinion from the modest and teacher’s opinion in seeing the School Programs Assessor visit.

I was just been visited by Provisi Team, an independent school auditor which is going to be a supevisor for Yayasan Pendidikan Soroako (YPS) development.
Well, I don’t know exactly what is their job. My principal said that they are going to help YPS development to be a National Plus School.

The team has just coming to my classroom for class visiting. The man is sitting behind the class, watching students and me learning and teaching.
And just now I was teaching IV C students which in it, there are sixty percent “special” students altogether in the class, in this case, they are not autism, but a slow learners in English.

I don’t make any special preparation for this visit. Why should I?
Most of the teachers get mad and blow up this visit. Prepare for all teaching stuff, the lesson plans, the worksheets and becoming stress for this school visit. For me, again, why should I?

I don’t have to be that panic. I’ve prepared my lesson plans, worksheets and class decorations long time before Provisi come for the sake of my students, not for the sake of Provisi.I will be with my students for a year, two semesters, and I only be with the Provisi taem for four days. Which one I should prepare for best?
YES! Of course my students!

I don’t have to prepare for the stuff more than what I’ve done. I think, the Provisi team need to see the real me, the real of my students, the real YPS Lawewu. Not the fakes.
I don’t want to be a fake by just preparing for everything because of wanting to be a good teacher in Provisi’s eyes. What’s that for?

But, the point is, I wish Provisi team or whoever it is, can be an objective school assessor – if they are really a good assesor – making an objective statistics, taking an objective samples.

Four days are not enough to make decision in evaluating all school factors.
Making a decision if teacher A is teaching better than teacher B because the students in teacher A’s class is more active and the learning is more interactive is not the only measurement to evaluate one’s performance. Because there are class project and non-class project classification in this school. Which the students knowledge and behavior on those both class are different.

Either make a decision that school doesn’t have qualified human resources by only supervise, visit, and interview some teachers for four days, I think it’s not enough.

Evaluate a school might be seen from up to bottom.
Has Provisi evaluated all school wisdoms? Do they think all school wisdoms are on the track of being a National Plus School?If not, are they barve to say it to the management and eager to change it for the sake of the students, parents, teachers and all school’s elements especially those bottom level?

Has Provisi evaluated the school programs? Do all school programs are good and on the track in achieving a National Plus School?

Has Provisi evaluated all teachers by using a valid statistic methods and an objective samples?

Has Provisi evaluated the characters of all teachers? Can they strengthen or even just starting to realize a healthy relationship between teachers?
Team work, individual best performances are the basic foundations in achieving a solid school and becoming the best school in the region or even in Indonesia.

Will this visits and assesments has follow-up and will it develop the school and realize the school visions and misions?

Will teachers, parents, and students have rights to speak up? Won’t they be “sentenced to death” if they speak up their mind which management might be feel upset to hear and accept it? Will the freedom of speak still be exist?

Provisi Team should work harder to “do” a school. Developing a school and make all elements are pleased to accept and run the programs made is quiet hard to be realized. Need hardwork, good persuassive especially with the bottom line. If it is necessary, they have to be aware and driven out some “obstacles”, whether they are in the form of things or persons.

Advice for Provisi Team from me, Open widely ears and eyes. See the facts, see the school’s ability. Evaluate, improve, fix, asses, and find the best method in realizing Yayasan Pendidikan Soroako which gained a National Plus School certificate.

For them to know, YPS is not schools in Aceh. Our atmosphere is different. The school is one of facilities for INCO employees. It is not a real unconstruct school. We have form, but it is not fix because of being confused in chosing what kind of school should be a reference? Singapore curriculum? International curriculum? National Plus Curriculum?or what?

The management itself needs to “reset” and “made up” their mind, which one they chose best, for the sake of the school, teachers, parents, and especially for the students. We are involve with a mankind future, we deal with people character building. In this case, those children.

Rabu, 05 September 2007

The Important of Being Patience

September 5, 2007

Around 12.05 pm, the new teacher, “M” came to my class. She wanted to ask about how to fill in the assesment/worksheets in Students Gained Score Record which acquired items analysis.
Before asking that, she said to me with unease expression ; wrinkled forehead J “ I just met with Mrs. J, she hailed me up and said, ‘Well, M, how is it going? Did you get close with her already?’ And her eyes pointing to your class. I don’t like her. She said so like you are a very difficult person.”
“What the word,”get close” to her already means? Did she mean it to me?” I asked.
“I don’t know. Might be.” Replied her awkward.
“Well, you may evaluated a person from the way he/she behaved, M.I can’t give any further comment.” I said with flat voice.
“Yeah, I know it.” She said.

Hmpfrh…I was a little bit upset when I heard it, but Praise to the Lord that I now can control my tempered.
Astaghfirullah ya Allah, I don’t have any idea why that person hate me that much. I feel I never have any problem with her at all. Why she always trying to hurt me? She had had humiliated me in front of so many people, even now she said lie bad things about me to the new hire?

One of the basic quality of a mankind (especially me), is can not accept other’s judgment, moreover, if that is not true.

Ya Allah, please protect me from the envy and from the evil of my tongue and hands. I shouldn’t reply back that person. It doesn’t bring any benefit. I even need to pity for her, who doesn’t has a happy life because she used to make other people unhappy for her to have an unhappy friend.

I mustn’t be like her, so I shouldn’t let her satisfy see me upset and unhappy because I don’t want to be include in unhappy people.
I don’t know whether next year, next month or even today I will stay alive. I might die suddenly. And I want to spend my life with useful things. Maintain hatred is unuseful. I want to be happy for the rest of my life.

Dear God, You had promised us, that mankind who maintain patience will get an exulant news, on the Holy Qoran, QS. 8 (Al Anfaal) : 66

“For the present, Allah hath lightened your (task), for He knoweth that there is a weak spot in you: But (even so), if there are a hundred of you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred, and if a thousand, they will vanquish two thousand, with the leave of Allah. for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.”

I let her say bad things about me, she helped me planting Allah gift fields for me after Dooms day.May God bless her.

I wish I’m on the right track in upgrading myself and preparing for my death. Allah, You are enough for me. I wish in this becoming Ramadhan I’ll be the real human being. Amin.

Minggu, 26 Agustus 2007

The Greatest Merciful Almighty, ALlah SWT

The One who Submitted to the will of God, Allah SWT.

Praise to the Almighty Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, who collected me with the people who submitted themselves to the will of Allah only.

I was far away from Allah, left Allah behind and put the world as my priority, way of life , a reference to live happily.
And it’s proves. It’s totally wrong after Allah tries me.

Mankind….in this case, me, just realizes the existance of Allah, How Mighty Allah is, when Allah gives him/her tempation – whether it is a big temptation or small temptation –When Allah says, Kun Fayakun…then it will happen as what Allah wants.

At the first time Allah gives me the tempatation, I was thinking that how cruel Allah to me. Allah gave me something which I thought it was the greatest gift I ever had in my life, and then suddenly took it from me.
I was thinking how unfair Allah at that time.

As time goes by, I realize that Allah loves me so. Allah reverses me to Allah’s side, which so many sins I’ve made because being very very far away from Allah. Chosed “world” than Allah, eventhough I know well how short the life of mankind, how short all this world happiness, and how stupid those who think that “world and all fun things and settlenesses” can be just taken if Allah says, “kun fayakun”..

Praise to the Lord of the lords, Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamiin, no other ilah but ALLAH.
Who save my soul..I wish I could stand with this faith till I die, Allah. Please do cover me for the rest of my life, dear God. Hasbunallah wa ni’mal wakiil…

Thanks a lot for my Soroako Liqo’s friends who are becoming the media for me to remind Allah again, finding Allah as the first priority in life.
“ Do men think that they will be left alone on saying,” We believe,” and they will not be tested? “
QS. Al Ankabut : 2

Rabu, 25 Juli 2007

Cara Melenyapkan Kesulitan Dunia

Sudah Tahu Bagaimana Cara Melenyapkan Kesulitan Dunia? Mau Tahu?

Ini saya ada kutipan bagus dari buku Amru Khalid, yang judulnya "Hati Sebening Mata Air", bagus untuk di aplikasikan di kehidupan sehari-hari. Dijamin 100% bahagia dah!!!

Penghibur Hatiku

Setiap kali Allah SWT menutup pintu rezeki, maka Dia akan membuka enam atau tujuh pintu yang lain. Tetapi, dengan bodoh – kita sering berkeluh kesah, “Ya Allah, mengapa Kau tutup jalan ini?“.
Kadang Allah menutup satu pintu untuk membuka banyak pintu, disaat kita melihat dunia ini penuh kegelapan. Saat itu, ketahuilah, bahwa Al Wakiil tidak akan pernah menelantarkan kita, bahkan Dia akan membuka pintu rezeki yang kita ridhai dan sukai.
Tekadang, begitu cintanya Allah pada kita,Ia mengambil semua “sebab” yang kita telah terbiasa dengannya. Seperti mereka yang dekat di hati, atau bahkan sesuatu yang kita cintai.
Adayang meninggalkan tugas dan pekerjaan yang selama ini dilalui bersama, bahkan ada yang meninggal dunia. Dengan semua itu, seolah Allah ingin mengatakan pada kita , “Wahai hambaKu, Aku ingin engkau datang dan berlindung kepadaKu.”
Ketika kita tertimpa musibah, kita sangat jauh dari Allah, sehingga kita layak mengatakan, “Ya Tuhanku, Kau telah memotong semua jalanku, karena Engkau ingin aku kembali padaMu. Dan sebaik-baiknya tempat kembali adalah padaMu”.

The Most Difficult Test

Have You Ever Think That You are Living in a Misery?
Thinking to Suicide...?

It's hard to pass the "life-test" given by the Merciful.
I am in progress of passing it..one month ago, I thought I better die because of losing "something" and condemn God because He takes the best of me and becoming unfair on me by giving me the tempatation.
I fall into pieces, I blame myself, I blame God. But at this moment, how I thank Him for giving me the temptation. He knows what's good for me, and I deserve to get a better life, a better "something", because I am precious.
Best friends...the people who help me pass through my hard times.. I will never ever forget them. They are take the best part of my heart, even my life.
The people whom I dare to be myself..
The people who cheer me up, bring me up from the hard situation..
Among all, The Merciful, The Almighty, Thanks for always be on my side and forgive my overloaded sins.
Thanks for becoming the Greatest Guidance ever...
"Hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakiil..." (Allah is enough (for me)...)

Hang Out near Losari Beach

Losari oh Losari....

This place is a place for the youth of Makassar to hang out with friends in the afternoon, watching the Sunset..Makassar's sunset is the most beautiful sun among all city in Indonesia..
I say this because I'm getting bored being asked by foreigner (my chat friends from abroad),
"What is your country?"
and I said, "Indonesia",
then they said, " Ah... I see. Indonesia is a country which has Bali right? one of Indonesian city which has a stunning sunset?"
Emangnya Bali aja yang punya stunning sunset? Makassar bisa tonji lah...
Moreover, at previous time, in this place - a place where I sit -, there are so many pa'balu2..do you know what pa'balu is?Pa'balu is Makassarese, in English means seller.
There were so many pa'balu along the place i sit. They sold pisang epe'( banana press), bassang (boiled corn, cooked with coconut milk),and many others.
But kamma-kamma 'nne, tenamo. But nowadays, no more sellers along the beach. The makassar's government has arranged them and put them in one location to make Losari Beach cleaner and beautiful. And i give salut to Arifin Ilham- the Mayor of Makassar - who create a new beautiful Losari Beach...especially for the big LOSARI letters! Good job, dude!!

Minggu, 22 Juli 2007

nulis apa ya?

pengen nulis...tapi lagi blank neh....gimana ya....?